InThe StartupbyOya CanlıRecyclerView Item Change AnimationsI recently worked on a project for kids which uses lots of animations, and there were also cases where a piece of the recyclerview item…Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
InProAndroidDevbyBhavyaMagic touch recyclerWe have all been wowed and frustrated by the recycler view animations at some point in our life or will be if not yet. 😛 Most of the…Apr 21, 20211Apr 21, 20211
InGeek CulturebyKarishma AgrawalHow to add card flip animation in the android appRecently we at HealthifyMe revamped our app dashboard to make it more user engaging. And we tried some really cool animation. One of them…Jun 7, 20213Jun 7, 20213
InBetter ProgrammingbyMustufa AnsariAndroid RecyclerView with Beautiful AnimationsComplexities and animations with one of Android’s most important classesAug 5, 20195Aug 5, 20195