Deniz SubaşıSnapshot Testing Steps on AndroidHow to make sure that there are no bugs in your UI after new developments and how to create snapshot tests in different scenarios.Jan 2, 2023Jan 2, 2023
Sujatha MudadlaAndroid Activities interview quetion and answers.What happens to an Activity when the Home button is pressed?Jan 6, 2024Jan 6, 2024
InAndroid DevelopersbyLevi AlbuquerqueUnderstanding Nested Scrolling in Jetpack ComposeUse the nested scrolling system to allow components in different places in the Compose hierarchy to interact with scrolling components.Feb 16, 20242Feb 16, 20242
InTürkiye UPbyAlparslan Selçuk DevelioğluAndroid Projesi Nasıl “Git Submodule Kütüphanesi” Yapılabilir? (2024)Android projesine Git submodule ekleme: Adım adım rehber ile projeler arasında ortak kütüphane kullanımı nasıl yapılır öğrenin.Feb 13, 2024Feb 13, 2024
InShadowfaxbyIshaan GargMaking Shadowfax Android App 40% fasterThe diagnostics & solutions we implemented for Shadowfax Rider App to reduce the start time by 40%Jan 15, 20242Jan 15, 20242
InProAndroidDevbyNek.12ViewModel: Events as State are an AntipatternIn this article Nikita explores how a popular notion about expressing events as states may be a misleading one.Nov 20, 20237Nov 20, 20237
Gabor VaradiSimple one-liner ViewBinding in Fragments and Activities with KotlinThere’s a new feature in Android Studio 3.6 called “view binding”. It’s just like databinding, except all it does is take your existing…Feb 23, 202034Feb 23, 202034
Tuğçe AktepeBuilding Instrumented Tests with MockWebServer in AndroidWe run our UI test automations before each new version is released in order to see the effect of feature improvements on other screens on…Jun 15, 20231Jun 15, 20231
Betül NecanlıKotlin Coroutines GuideKotlin coroutines are a feature in the Kotlin programming language that provides a way to write asynchronous, non-blocking code in a more…Feb 7, 20231Feb 7, 20231
Nyame BismarkTesting with Hilt androidThis video has a visual implementation of what we talked about in this tutorial. Watch and subscribe please.Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021
InHuawei DevelopersbyHüseyin Özkoç👨💻Kotlin SOLID PrinciplesHi! What are SOLID principles and why should developers use them? 🕵️♀️Apr 13, 20234Apr 13, 20234
InThe StartupbySagar BegaleKotlin Simplified - Covariance, Contravariance & inline functionKotlin has gained considerable popularity in the past few years. The cross-platform nature and interoperability with Java & JVM have…May 28, 2020May 28, 2020
InProAndroidDevbyAndré ThieleUnderstanding type variance in KotlinIn this post, I want to give you a clear explanation of type variance in Kotlin.Mar 12, 20201Mar 12, 20201
Anand VermaSay goodbye to traditional error handling with Arrow.ktError handling is an essential part of any application, and it can quickly become a headache when dealing with complex code.Jan 16, 20236Jan 16, 20236
InTuro EngineeringbyPavlo StavytskyiHow we reduced our Android startup time by 77%Mobile performance at TuroApr 10, 20235Apr 10, 20235
InAndroid DevelopersbyBoris Farber5 ways to prepare your app build for Android Studio Flamingo releaseWhen you upgrade to Android Studio Flamingo and Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.0, you need to update your app build files to accommodate…Apr 11, 20235Apr 11, 20235
Nine Pages Of My LifeUnit Test in Android all the things you need to knowUnit testing in Android refers to the process of testing individual, isolated units of code within an Android application to ensure that…Feb 21, 20233Feb 21, 20233
Ashish PandeyUpload an Image to Server via Retrofit 2.0 in an Android AppCreating a HTTP Multipart RequestOct 30, 2021Oct 30, 2021
InGeek CulturebyZaid ZakirTesting in Android a Zero to Hero Tutorial -Part 1What is Android Testing with simple exampleJun 8, 20211Jun 8, 20211